Goldstraw Insurance Partners


Does my business need public liability insurance?

No two businesses are the same and they will generally have different risks according to their size and industry. However, what all businesses do have in common is their potential exposure to claims from members of the public. Content Supplied by Resilium:

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The hidden insurance risk lurking in our homes

When homeowners take out Building and Contents Insurance to protect their homes, it’s not surprising their top concerns are generally fire and theft. However, a recent report published by Chubb has identified a larger and often overlooked threat lurking. Content supplied by Resilium:

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Cyber security will be a key risk for years to come

Consider what it would be like to have a power outage for weeks – no electricity to run your fridge, television, charge your phone or computers and more. While such a situation sounds farfetched, the reality is real. Content Supplied by Resilium:

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Do I need Professional Indemnity Insurance?

Professional Indemnity insurance, also known as PI insurance, provides insurance cover should any claims be brought against you by a client for errors or omissions in your professional service or advice. Content Supplied by Resilium:

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